All messages are listed in order of newer to older.
December 2020
- December 27, 2020 Watch the last Sunday Broadcast Service of 2020.
- December 24, 2020 Special Christmas Eve Service prepared and presented by lay leadership of New Mount Vernon.
- December 20, 2020 Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle Pastor Toth gives a live broadcast from the New Mount Vernon Sanctuary.
- December 20, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent Pastor Toth delivers a message appropriate for the holiday season.
- December 13, 2020 Lighting of the Third Advent Candle Pastor Toth gives a live broadcast from the New Mount Vernon Sanctuary.
- December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Pastor Toth delivers a message appropriate for the holiday season.
- December 6, 2020 Lighting of the Second Advent Candle Pastor Toth gives a live broadcast from the New Mount Vernon Sanctuary.
- December 6, 2020 Second Sunday of Advent Pastor Toth delivers a message appropriate for the holiday season.
November 2020
- November 29, 2020 Lighting of First Advent Candle Pastor Toth gives a live broadcast from the New Mount Vernon Sanctuary.
- November 29, 2020 First Sunday of Advent Pastor Toth preaches on the apocalyptic stories that Jesus tells his disciples in Mark 13.
- November 22, 2020 Reign of Christ/Thanksgiving Sunday Pastor Toth’s message is based on the Words of Jesus in Matthew 25:31-46.
- November 22, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth prays for the congregation with Thanksgiving in mind.
- November 15, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth reminds church members to turn in their Operation Christmas Child gifts.
- November 15, 2020 Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth concludes series on The Wisdom of Solomon
- November 8, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth shares words of encouragement and updates on the church.
- November 8, 2020 Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost This service continues the series on The Wisdom of Solomon.
- November 1, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth talks about current conditions of the church and nation, and the upcoming All Saints Sunday service.
- November 1, 2020 All Saints Sunday Pastor Toth gives a brief lesson on this day in church history and John Wesley’s view of it. The Wisdom of Solomon series continues.
October 2020
- October 25, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth sets the stage for the Reformation Sunday broadcast. Charge Conference this afternoon.
- October 25, 2020 Reformation Sunday Learn some history behind this day, along with series on the Wisdom of Solomon.
- October 18. 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth gives updates on the state of the church and prayer.
- October 18, 2020 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth continues with the series on the Wisdom of Solomon.
- October 11, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth welcomes people to tune in to the broadcast following.
- October 11, 2020 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth shares Words of the Prophet Elisha, Jesus’s Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, and training up children in proverbial wisdom during this service.
- October 4, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth gives updates on this first Sunday in September.
- October 4, 2020 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth shares from Holy Scripture with comments in addition to the wisdom series.
September 2020
- September 27, 2020 Opening Remarks Words of prayer and encouragement during this introduction to today’s message.
- September 27, 2020 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost On this last day of the month, Pastor Toth continues his series on Proverbs.
- September 20, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth gives words of encouragement in the midst of a time of political contention.
- September 20, 2020 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth shares from Holy Scripture and continues the series on the Wisdom of Solomon. In his message, Pastor Toth makes reference to Dr. Michael Sandel’s book The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good?
- September 13, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth speaks on the current State of North Carolina Covid-19 recommendations with respect to our church’s events.
- September 13, 2020 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth shares Words of the Prophet Elisha, Jesus’s Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, and training up children in proverbial wisdom during this service.
- September 6, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth gives updates on this first Sunday in September.
- September 6, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth shares from Holy Scripture with comments in addition to the wisdom series.
August 2020
- August 30, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth shares funeral service information with members of New Mount Vernon.
- August 30, 2020 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth teaches from Holy Scripture, including the ongoing series on wisdom.
- August 23, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth continues with the online services, with updates.
- August 23, 2020 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost We continue the series on wisdom, along with other readings from Holy Scripture, with commentary by Pastor Toth.
- August 16, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth shares updates, recommends the Joseph Telushkin book Words that Hurt, Words that Heal, and prays for students, teachers, as the school year begins.
- August 16, 2020 Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost This service continue the series on wisdom as found in the Book of Proverbs, along with additional readings and reflections on scripture.
- August 9, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth gives update on the recent Annual Conference and invites prayer requests.
- August 9, 2020 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost A new feature in the broadcast called “Old Testament Stories” is introduced. Pastor Toth continues the series on The Wisdom of Solomon. This week the primary text is Proverbs chapter 17.
- August 2, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth gives a word of encouragement with an emphasis on the current states of the nation.
- August 2, 2020 Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth reminds viewers that wisdom is build on righteousness. This week the primary text is Proverbs chapter 16.
July 2020
- July 26, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth shares what to look forward to during this week’s message.
- July 26, 2020 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth continues the series on wisdom–this week the focus is on Proverbs chapter 15.
- July 19, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth shares updates and asks church members to share prayer needs.
- July 19, 2020 Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth reviews key points and continues in his series on wisdom as seen in the book of Proverbs–this week in chapter 14.
- July 12, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth shares news of interest and encourages members of the congregation, along with recommending a book on the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin.
- July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth shows that principles of wisdom run through scriptures in the Old and New Testaments as he continues the Wisdom of Solomon series in Proverbs chapter 13.
- July 5, 2020 Opening Remarks Pastor Toth gives updates on our plan to continue online broadcasts during the summer.
- July 5, 2020 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth gives a word to those who suffer, based on the words of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel. The series on the Wisdom of Solomon continues in chapter 12 of the Book of Proverbs.
June 2020
- June 28, 2020 Opening Remarks This is a brief review on the wisdom series.
- June 28, 2020 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth continues the wisdom series. This week, the focus is on chapter 11 of the Book of Proverbs.
- June 21, 2020 Opening Remarks with a special prayer for Father’s Day.
- June 21, 2020 Third Sunday after Pentecost The series on wisdom continues. Today we begin the proverbs proper (chapter 10 of the Book of Proverbs).
- June 14, 2020 Second Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Toth continues teach from the Book of Proverbs.
- June 7, 2020 Opening Remarks This is Pastor Toth’s preface to the regular Sunday message, with an emphasis on wisdom in time of national crisis.
- June 7, 2020 Trinity Sunday This message continues Pastor Toth’s study of the Book of Proverbs as the basis for seeking wisdom, understand, and knowledge.
May 2020
- May 31, 2020 Special message from Pastor Toth Here, Pastor Toth speaks on the current situation in which our nation finds itself–the pandemic, economy, and riots.
- May 31, 2020 Pentecost Sunday This message is a continuation of our study of Proverbs, with an emphasis on how disciples of Jesus can live wisely in fulfillment of scriptural promises.
- May 24, 2020 Seventh Sunday of Easter On this broadcast, which was done the day before Memorial Day, Pastor Toth talks about Proverbs as a means of understanding how to live according to God’s instructions.
- May 17, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Easter During this broadcast, Pastor Toth shares from Proverbs 3, which is part of an ongoing exhortation to “get wisdom.”
- May 3, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter Message Pastor Toth continues talking about wisdom as an essential ingredient in following Jesus and living a good life.
April 2020
- April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter Message Pastor Toth continues the online broadcasts, with an emphasis on dealing with Covid-19 social distancing.
- April 19, 2020 Second Sunday of Easter Message Pastor Toth shares three readings from scripture with observations for the present day.
- April 12, 2020 Easter Sunday Readings and Prayers Join Pastor Toth as he shares readings from Scripture and prayers from the United Methodist Book of Worship on this special day.
- April 10, 2020 Good Friday Message Watch Pastor Toth share a message on the day set aside to honor the day Jesus died.
- April 9, 2020 Maundy Thursday Message Watch Pastor Toth share his reflection on Jesus’ final instructions to his disciples (Read/Download Message Highlights).
March 2020
- March 29, 2020 Palm Sunday Message This is the fist Live Streaming message during the COVID-19 lockdown. (Read/Download Message Highlights)
- March 9, 2020 “To Save the World” This sermon explores the following questions: How should we view what Jesus did? How does redemption move from the individual to the whole world?
- March 1, 2020 “God’s Gift of Grace” What is grace? And, how should we respond to this wonderful gift?
February 2020
- February 16, 2020 “Understanding Righteousness” In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus teaches how to live to increase the chances that a person will not fall into sinful behavior. We should heed his instructions.
- February 9, 2020 “Jesus As The Embodiment of God’s Law” Jesus affirms the ongoing value of the commandments when, in Matthew 5:17-20, he says that he did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.
- February 2, 2020 “How to Understand the Beatitudes” When Jesus spoke, his original disciples understood his words as instructions. Those who call themselves “Christians” today should do the same.
January 2020
- January 26, 2020 “The Cost of Discipleship” In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus spoke about seeking the kingdom of God before anything else.
- January 19, 2020 “We Have Found the Messiah” Learn what the prophets said about the wonderful future God has in store for us.
- January 12, 2020 “To Fulfill All Righteousness” Jesus did what was right, and those who follow him must do likewise in all areas of life.
- January 5, 2020: “The Promise in Jesus Christ” What do the promises of scripture mean for us in our daily lives? What does it mean to truly “follow Jesus”?
December 2019
- December 29, 2019: “The Promised Blessing, Safeguarded” When we find promises in scripture, we must be lulled into thinking that good outcomes are guaranteed apart from our efforts.
- December 22, 2019: “The Story of Jesus’ Birth” What lessons should we learn about the birth of Jesus? How should it impact our lives?
- December 15, 2019: “Living Waters Shall Break Forth” What did the words of the prophets and Jesus mean for the people who first heard them? And, what do these words mean for us today?
- December 1, 2019: “Come, Let Us Go to the Mountain of the Lord” Both Testaments describe the best attitude toward the things of God.
November 2019
- November 24, 2019: “The Light of God–For Us!” Isaiah spoke about the nations of the world receiving benefits of the knowledge of God.”
- November 17, 2019: “We Have a Wonderful Future” Prophets in the Bible show that the future for humankind is better than the present.
- November 10, 2019: “Stand Firm and Hold Fast” What do these words from the apostle mean? This sermon explores what is most important.
- November 3, 2019: “Salvation, Now” When is the best time to make positive changes? The answer most of the time is right now!
October 2019
- October 27, 2019: “The Power and Promise of Humility” Learn the necessity of remaining humble, remaining teachable, and doing good.
- October 20, 2019: “Be Persistent in Prayer” This sermon is designed to show the need to seek answers that improve the quality of human life.
- October 6, 2019: “The Grace Given to Us” This sermon encourages us to show grace toward others the way God shows grace toward us.
September 2019
- September 22, 2019: “That All Would Be Saved” This sermon is on the centrality of prayer, with specifics on how one should pray.
- September 15, 2019: “Kingdom Valuation” The value we assign to things in life helps us correctly seek first the kingdom of God.
- September 8, 2019: “Joyful Discipleship” According to scripture, the Lord wants us to live in his joy as we follow Jesus’ example.
- September 1, 2019: “Humility in Action” Humility is not supposed to equal passivity. Learn how humility is expressed in action.